Bad Metaphors I : Bacterial Marketing

They (whoever they happen to be, you know, the secret government people who control everything behind the scenes) should rebrand all forms of SPAM and unsolicited marketing to 'Bacterial Marketing', as opposed to Viral Marketing which is generally speaking, a force for good.

Viral Marketing cannot be treated easily with antibiotics (anti-spam techniques) and viral marketing devices are more communicable than those employed by bacterial marketers, passing more easily between hosts in relatively close contact with each other.

Spammers (bacterial marketers) are always evolving new methods of overcoming anti-spam techniques and this could also be argued to be following the same tracks as so-called bacterial super-bugs. This is actually quite alarming as if it's fair to run these in parallel, one day we'll see technology counter-measure immune superbug marketing ploys which will be very difficult to actively treat.

All spammers long for the day that they develop a viral campaign but, fortunately for us thus far, none of them have acheived this goal. On the other hand, viral marketers whilst being michevious and sometimes naughty, invest more effort and genius creativity in their endeavours.