The Future Past

A cool direction for services like Flickr to take would be to enable your future GPS enabled device, PDA, smartphone or notebook to provide you realtime photographs taken by other people standing in the same location you happen to be standing.

Let me try to explain by example; It's 2015, you are standing beneath Big Ben in London, smack bang in the middle of the south pavement of Parliament Square. Your GPS enabled notebook fires your precise co-ordinates, orientation and inclination back down Flickr which then feeds you back closely matching thumbnails or shots taken by other Flickr users standing in the same area in the past. You rotate 45 degrees to the right and the main Houses of Parliament buildings come into view. Your new current orientation is then used to provide you with another set of matching archived photographs - perhaps showing different seasons or times or day - of the same scene like a kind of live history panoramic viewer.

Pick a particular year, like the 2004 UK anti hunt ban protests which took place at that precise spot in London, and you'd be presented with a mesh of location matching shots taken that day.

I don't know what use this service would be but it would be very geekily cool.