
  • Back from a week back home Scotland today, long drive, 360 miles. Pooped. It's three and a half years since we emigrated south of the border and it's getting increasingly more difficle to work out which end is actually home any more.

  • Moblogged a handful of photos from our travels and sparked off a Flickr synchronicitizerationism with AKMA. Cool.

  • Earthquakes. Can't help but be a little spooked by the fact that the Bam earthquake in Iran also took place on the 26th December last year. More than 25,000 died in that catastrophe 365 days earlier but this never raised the same levels of international dismay as we have seen this week (not that I'm into comparing bodycounts), but I can't help but imagine that the shock level this week has been amplified by the fact that hardly any western (Christian) holidaymakers were involved in the Bam quake last year. This probably sounds very 'off', but I hope you see my point, however badly made it may be. The level of news interest was very high early on when this weeks Asian quake death toll was still low (sadly, relative to what it is now).

    I guess it's OK for our news agencies to be more interested in something where fellow countrymen and women are involved than not, but it still sticks in my throat a little as being a tad hypocritical. ]

    PS. If you can, give money. I will be doing so tonight.

  • Somehow I've wangled my way onto Tom Peters' blogroll. Nice Christmas gift! I was lucky enough to go along to see him speak earlier this year [moblogged it]. Very powerful and entertaining speaker. Plus I got him to sign my copy of his latest book. But with me now on his blogroll, his star is obviously on the wane. ;)