Billions Of Life Stories

Before the Web and weblogs, I used to day dream and imagine how large the entire life story of a single person would be, the complex inter-relationships between other people's life stories, how they all moved in and out of each others lives and interconnected together, and how enormous the entire collected life stories of everyone on the planet would be in paper form. In one sense with weblogs, the process of arriving at an appreciation of that has begun.

I was listening to Christopher Lydon's interviews copied over to my iPAQ for listening to in the car on my commutes today, Joi Ito this morning and Dave Winer on the return drive home this evening. Joi's passion reminded me of my own awe and sense of wonder at where this is all going and, this evening listening to Dave -- apart from enhancing my Dave Winer resolution by hearing what he sounds like - he made a comment about personal publishing, personal broadcasting and so on. This got me thinking a couple of things; one that, if everyone is broadcasting then nobody is listening and therefore nobody is actually broadcasting...

And also, the literary and technological nature of personal publishing/forecasting (blogging to you and me) would suggest that there are some entry qualifications in the way of total societal participation, and that only those individuals with access to education and technology will ever make up the bulk of bloggers and the blogging audience.