I've caught myself numerous times spelling centre as center, colour as color and just the other day in a meeting I heard myself say "Z" as "zee" and not "zed". The first two examples I can blame HTML for but I'm more concerned about the "Z" thing in that I may exhibiting the symptoms of having entered second stage Americanitis, other symptoms I'm likely to encounter in the second stage are things like losing the word "and" whenever I say numbers like "three hundred and fifty".
But it's the third stage that will get really exciting as I attempt to drive on the wrong side of the road, start packin' heat whenever I leave the house, acquire a large collection of brightly colored Hawaiian shirts, pronounce "Coffee" as "Cwoafee" in a broad New Yorker accent, drive around with my windows down playing Chubby Checker at full volume, walk up to faulty vending machines and force them to issue free drinks merely by hitting them on the side with an accurately positioned swift blow with my elbow, rename Fiona to "bitch", swagger, not stroll, up to theshopstore for the Sunday papers with my hand permanently positioned over my crotch, start wearing white T-shirts and unbuttoned short-sleeved shirts, adopt a 50's style greased up, side parting hairstyle, spend the entire Sunday waxing my car, wack my neighbor's dog for "taking a crap on my lawn", insist that our paper boy purchases a bicycle so that he can throw our newspapers, and only our newspapers, at our front door as he passes rather than post them through the letter box, install a Stars & Stripes novelty doorbell and generally walk around acting as if I own the place.
But it's the third stage that will get really exciting as I attempt to drive on the wrong side of the road, start packin' heat whenever I leave the house, acquire a large collection of brightly colored Hawaiian shirts, pronounce "Coffee" as "Cwoafee" in a broad New Yorker accent, drive around with my windows down playing Chubby Checker at full volume, walk up to faulty vending machines and force them to issue free drinks merely by hitting them on the side with an accurately positioned swift blow with my elbow, rename Fiona to "bitch", swagger, not stroll, up to the