Getting To Know You

Today I feel strangely naked. Mr Paynter's interview with me is now commonplace in the blog collective and I feel somehow exposed, as if all my secrets are no longer. I'm sure it will pass in a couple of days.

Anyway to tide me over this post-interview paranoia period I've been playing around with that National Enquirer image I made up to go with the release of Frank's interview, and oh, what fun I've had. In fact I think I've started a new craze.

Enjoy. Better still, send me a photo of yourself and I'll have my wicked way with you too!

Jeneane Sessum His royal rageness Paynter - 'This displeases me' Denise sorry! What's up doc? Your certification to practise medicine, thats what! Nice wheels buddy, would you like a wash'n'wax too?