What are they up to these days? Not much by the looks of it, Windows XP has been not exactly a rip-roaring success, more of a slow burner. The X-Box seems to be suffering from a similar ailment and their .net strategy is coming up for its second birthday soon and where is that exactly? Office is Office, Windows CE/Pocket PC is quiet and there doesn't seem to be anything significant coming down the line. Gone are the days when there was always something around the corner coming from Redmond Software but not lately. Or am I missing something?
Okay, they've just bought a european accounting software vendor but take it from me, accounting apps ain't the most exciting things you could choose to play with - I should know. It may be unfashionable to speak of them in positive terms but, unfashionable as I am given to be, I actually quite like the guys. It's just not the same anymore.
Microsoft Has Gotten Boring
in Old Posts