Old Posts

Dead Blogs Handle

I emailed Jason to suggest that Blogrolling should offer a feature whereby blogs that haven't been updated for a user definable period of time, should be flaggable in a similar way that fresh blogs can be flagged or emboldened. I've been so up my own arse lately that I completely failed to notice that several bloggers on my blog roll have either given up the ghost completely or have slipped into hiatuses.

Moralistic Conspiracy Theory

If I led an alternate lifestyle I might be a tad disappointed that any emails I send, in good faith, to friends of mine about little blue pills, cheap mortgages or penile enlargement will likely end up in their trash cans unless their spam filters are any cop. Is this unfair discrimination? Why should honest, genuine people who care about these subjects fall foul of cumbersome measures to combat spam.

You might say that this is part of a wider, grand conspiracy headed up by the likes of Tipper Gore, where spam marketing is covertly endorsed as a viable means of doing business in order that, eventually, anti-spam measures bring down not only the spam movement, but also takes down with it the social exploits of people who favour a more morally questionable lifestyle.

You might say.

Pre-emptive Nomenclature

Eons ago, I saw a page on David Weinberger's site, somewhere I can't remember where, where he lists some pre-emptive trademarks and words he thinks (not seriously) will become future trademarks, presumably so that he makes lots of money selling them, or something sinister like that. Not that David could ever be associated with anything sinister.

Soon, maybe about 5 years from now, we'll all be using HiFi's with massive storage capacities in which our entire music collections will exist. By then we'll probably all be used to downloading songs instead of purchasing on CD or DVD's. But, and it's a big but, at some point many of us will need to go through the tediously tiresome process of uploading our current CD audio collections to these new devices before we can listen to them.

We need a new word or verb to describe that process, it's just too complicated to have to describe to someone, it needs to be shortened down to a single word so that people will understand what we mean when we say

"Sorry, I can't come over today, I'm [INSERT WORD HERE] and it'll probably take me a few hours."

So, what's it gonna be? Something that covers the whole process of gathering up your entire CD music collection, sorting them into the correct cases, uploading them into your new GigaPlayer one by one, naming them (your GigaPlayer will probably be able to index and name them for you) and setting up your playlists etc. I have a couple of hundred CD's sitting waiting, I'm not looking forwards to the day I need to migrate them across. Thinking about it, the same thing really applies to uploading all your DVD's, MP3's, VHS and other home videos and not forgetting your digital photograph collection too.

So what do we call it?

Bindexing, Bibliocratization, Dumping Down, Digital Consolodation, Gigaloading, Media Unification, Media Federalization (Med-Fed)?