If I led an alternate lifestyle I might be a tad disappointed that any emails I send, in good faith, to friends of mine about little blue pills, cheap mortgages or penile enlargement will likely end up in their trash cans unless their spam filters are any cop. Is this unfair discrimination? Why should honest, genuine people who care about these subjects fall foul of cumbersome measures to combat spam.
You might say that this is part of a wider, grand conspiracy headed up by the likes of Tipper Gore, where spam marketing is covertly endorsed as a viable means of doing business in order that, eventually, anti-spam measures bring down not only the spam movement, but also takes down with it the social exploits of people who favour a more morally questionable lifestyle.
You might say.
You might say that this is part of a wider, grand conspiracy headed up by the likes of Tipper Gore, where spam marketing is covertly endorsed as a viable means of doing business in order that, eventually, anti-spam measures bring down not only the spam movement, but also takes down with it the social exploits of people who favour a more morally questionable lifestyle.
You might say.