Different World

Probably the most interesting observation I can make about my blogging career is to recognise the purpose this blog serves as a chronology for the way perceptions have changed in ten years. Reading and then getting caught up in Cluetrain Manifesto crowd was certainly my initial call to action but even in 2001, writing online openly, honestly and sometimes too personally about stuff was still considered way too revolutionary and dangerous, even sometimes for those of us that got it.

So, I recall a long period from 2001 to 2005/6 during which I was something of a closet blogger, not in the absolute sense of being anonymous, but it certainly wasn't something I was open about. It was, frankly, very odd to be writing your thoughts in public ten years ago. Too odd for some. Whereas today you're considered space-cadet weird if you don't use your Twitter account to complain (with photos) about why the cheese in your lunchtime sandwich was grated and not sliced.

Progressively though, my desire for this half-assed church and state separation evaporated and while there was a time I was uneasy about what my blog might say about me, ten years on I'd say that this blog along with all the other chunks of my digitial identity that lie scattered around the web now fundamentally define me, as I am today.

If nothing else, this blog at least documents that shift quite well.