The news that Seagate (and also Hitachi) have just bagged and tagged a 1TB hard disk is alarming. The reason this is alarming is because in probably 2-3 years we’ll have storage systems large enough to contain our entire lives while being small enough to get lost inside the everyday clutter of the aforementioned lives thus resulting in some anti-matter / total annhiliation situation where inverted worm holes (worm stems?) appear and the whole shebang goes to pot. The tech equivalent of pulling your bottom lip over you forehead and swallowing.
A likely resulting scenario would be that one day, due to some shoddy quality control, your mega-TB life-disk will start coughing and spluttering and making a noise not unlike the Tin Man endlessley falling down an up-escalator and right at that point the real Tin Man will appear in your house actually endlessly falling down your very own stairs.
And then where will we be. Certainly not in Kansas.