Get big and prepare for accusations of having done some kind of nefarious deal with a bebearded, horned chap with a bad case of sunburn at a dusty crossroads in Alabama.
Around ten years ago, Microsoft was just coming out of the phase where they had attracted more praise than scorn and today Google may be passing gradually over that same threshold.
It's hard to separate the various factors; how long do you have to be a dominant player before your pure, unpolluted college sensibilities get binned and you catch yourself casually thinking that one of those grey Dr. Evil suits that button up the back might actually look catching on you; Or, in order to get to be a dominant player do you have to be evil from the start; Or is this evil persona merely projected onto you by everyone dominated in between periods where you were otherwise innocently busying yourself playing painting watercolour landscapes, making cup-cakes and volunteering away your Saturday afternoons for your local charity shop.
It's probably all of the above, but we shouldn't forget that the oppressed, the unsuccessful, the wannabes and the number twos all need to be able to find some way to sleep soundly at night and it's therefore understandably human (and pathologically prewired) to construct a context around yourself that says everyone else is wrong and you're right, or that the only reason other people are more successful is down to a dodgy, evildoer agenda.
Or, Google could just be evil. But their mothers still love them, I'm sure.