I only manage to listen to one podcast with any regularity, and that is Adam Curry's Daily Source Code which usually lasts about as long as my morning commute to the office.
Today (yesterday's DSC) had Adam opining about what the "War On Terror" is really about, more from a practical standpoint than a political one. And he more or less said exactly what I said last year in a short posting on the same subject.
It's so cool that today we have technologies like blogs and podcasts recording and therefore allowing for the joining of the dots between what would otherwise be completely disconnected thoughts.
Today (yesterday's DSC) had Adam opining about what the "War On Terror" is really about, more from a practical standpoint than a political one. And he more or less said exactly what I said last year in a short posting on the same subject.
It's so cool that today we have technologies like blogs and podcasts recording and therefore allowing for the joining of the dots between what would otherwise be completely disconnected thoughts.