My web friend, Joi Ito, is pondering his motivation to keep his blog going. Been there. Done that. What he needs is quite simple, a hard reset. I've been known to quit blogging (for a month) and I've had several hiatuses. But, somehow, someway, I'm still blogging some five odd years down the pipe. Typical symptoms are search for renewal, changing the design of the site etc.
Joi's got that in spades.
Hard reset, cold boot, whatever you call it. Joi needs one. Once he finds out how to do it (it's different for each of us), he'll be back blogging like a madman.
Joi's got that in spades.
Hard reset, cold boot, whatever you call it. Joi needs one. Once he finds out how to do it (it's different for each of us), he'll be back blogging like a madman.