Moving Parts

It's amazing how few moving parts occupy our lives compared with twenty years ago. If you know the meaning of 'Auto-Reverse' in a further twenty years from now, you'll probably be regarded as some kind of ancient relic and people will cross to ther other side of the street when they see you coming. Then one day much further into the future, the collective will eventually forget all it ever knew about mechanical engineering and, as with the ancient Pyramids, future-people will variously conjour preposterous explanations for how early civilization in the late twentieth century was able to listen to both sides of the "C-60 Compact Cassette" without removing or changing the orientation of the cassette itself.

Shortly after this a race of horse riding, rifle-toting monkeys with a prediliction for black leather waistcoats and various other faux gothic accoutrements will suddenly emerge onto the scene.