It occured to me last night when trying to find a TV channel that wasn't showing a reality TV programme of some sort or other, that the recent boom in that kind of so called 'entertainment' is a perverted take the old fashioned dystopian fear that our TV's would eventually start spying back on us.
It appears that TV executives have taken that Orwellian nightmare notion and transformed it into something even worse and sprinkled a liberal dose of the cult of celebrity. However all hope is not lost for evenutally, when the most common definition of a celebrity is an overweight, DIY obsessed, Karaoke bandit, the television will be finally rendered obsolete, having consumed its one trick pony self whole in a final pathetic medley of canned laughter and 24/7 info-mercials.
Excuse me whilst I get over myself.
It appears that TV executives have taken that Orwellian nightmare notion and transformed it into something even worse and sprinkled a liberal dose of the cult of celebrity. However all hope is not lost for evenutally, when the most common definition of a celebrity is an overweight, DIY obsessed, Karaoke bandit, the television will be finally rendered obsolete, having consumed its one trick pony self whole in a final pathetic medley of canned laughter and 24/7 info-mercials.
Excuse me whilst I get over myself.