The Weather Project (which is only on show until the 21st March, so hurry if you want to see it - which I'd strongly recommend you do) at the Tate Modern, London. The full clickable image is a composite of four photographs taken using a Canon 300D, vertically stitched using Panavue and then downsampled for the web - the master composite image is a 9MB JPEG, 3000 x 5000 pixel image - i.e. not web friendly.
This was the rather austere venue for an almost impromptu gathering of various UK #joiito channel irregulars. After basking under the cool sun for an hour we walked for what seemed like 8 miles until we eventually found a pub for lunch and drinks. Good fun and interesting web/blog discussion and debate was had by all. Including giving Suw Charman a hard time about the Welsh language and about how in written form, it was hard to tell it apart from corrupt data packets.
Two new gold stars on my blogroll for bloggers, Suw Charman and James Cox.
Sean B. Palmer has uploaded his photos from the meeting here.