Namco TV Classic 5 in 1 Games

This new and imaginative way of packaging up old arcade videogame classics looks like a trend I could get used to. They've packaged up the arcade original versions of Pac-Man, Galaxian, Dig Dug, Bosconian and Rally-X into a replica of the Namco arcade cabinet joystick that then just plugs into your TV. Of course, you have been able to play all of those games, and thousands more, for free with emulators like MAME for years now, but this is an excellent piece of marketing strategy, perfectly capturing the imagination of the nostalgia hungry thirty-something market who spilled much of their pocket money into the original machines in the 1980's.

As an Atari VCS kid whose juvenile party trick was leaving aunts and uncles in awe as they watched me complete Space Invaders on the VCS blindfolded, I just couldn't resist picking up the Atari 10 in 1 version in a sale for ?16 the other day and this Namco one will be hard to resist, pity they only loaded five games onto it.