I use Yahoo! mail, makes it easy for me to pick up my emails from the office or wherever I am. The only problem is that over the last couple of weeks its wobbly spam filter has switched from being fairly crap, from previously trapping only about 60% of the spam I get, to currently trapping every bloody email I get forcing me to swim through my spam folder indentifying every bloody email that isn't spam. It's like they switched the sensitivity up to 11 or something insane like that. I can't go on like this, can anyone suggest something I can use that works more effectively. I have a POP3 mailbox which auto-forwards every email I get to my Yahoo! account - which in its current Spam Nazi setting identifies me as a spammer when I replied-all to an email which had my name in the cc list.

My Yahoo! account thinks it's spamming itself. How helpful.

Yes, I realise this is the second post in under 24 hours where I'm asking for help but, frankly, it's about time you started earning your bloody collective keep. With respect.