Chicken Or Blog?

In which of these does the heart of blogging beat strongest?

(a) Interesting people who happen to blog openly about their already interesting lives/work. e.g Esther Dyson.

(b) Private bloggers who are known more for their interesting blogs rather than their interesting lives.

I don't know if this is a valid question to ask, or not. I also wonder why there's this stigma about not quitting once you've started a blog, after all, if it's art - another big tangential question - does it matter if it's a single character in length or several gigabytes of daily postings?

Is it because quitting your weblog is a form of virtual suicide, as you willfully bring about your own cessation of existence in our online world? Of course, you obviously invisibly existed in it prior to blogging whenever you visited a site, but it's the act of writing yourself into existence when you start blogging that results in the creation of a version of your self that is visible to others. When you pull the plug on your blog, does this equate to a form of suicide? Is that why we don't like to talk about it and choose to doggedly keep going even when we have nothing new or blogworthy to say, so you just keep on going as a means of existence rather than creativity or participation?

Is there a certain kind of person that's pre-disposed to blogging or is it really suitable for anyone?

Is there such a thing as a limit to the number of questions you can ask in a single weblog post?

No? OK, how come Blogger Pro's spell checker doesn't recognise the words blog, weblog, blogger and blogs as valid words? I ask you.