Eclectic Knowledge Burst

  • I consider myself to have a higher than average ability to catch things I've dropped before they hit the floor.

  • I've been invited to Redmond for three days in June. This is the geek equivalent of a Catholic being invited to Lourdes or the Vatican. I may, however, not be able to go which is a shame. Never been across the pond.

  • I've decided to not post any further photographs of my daughter on the Web and may remove earlier ones, or at least put them behind a password.

  • Five books arrived by mail today from Amazon: Linked, Smart Mobs, The Future of Ideas, Beyond Mobile & The Art of Deception.

  • The latest trailer for Matrix Reloaded is awesome.

  • I've consumed 23.5 grams of carbohydrates today. Haven't lost much weight this week.

  • I spoke with Euan on the phone on Friday and he told me that he thought this was an April fools joke. It wasn't.

  • I bought a Casio G-Shock watch yesterday, I liked the red LCD display. And I don't feel one bit guilty about it.

  • I made up this panoramic composite [3.5MB] for my friend David who took the shots when he climbed Kilimanjaro in January. Someone else took a separate shot of David standing there on his own and I painstakingly traced him out of it and pasted him on top of the composite landscape shot I rendered using the great Image Assembler.

  • I've recently decided to open up my instant messaging world. Add me to your contact lists. That is if you want to, of course.