Switch Off - The First International Webstinence Games

How about this. A group of us get together, agree on a day and time and see how long we all can go without using our PC's or Macs or blogging. You're not allowed to go anywhere near your or anyone else's PC to even check if the other guys in the group have given in. As your resolve breaks and you can no longer stay away from your computer, you have to post a timed blog or comment to that effect, recording the moment you gave in and surrendered to your addiction.

Progressively the number of people who give in to their digital desires will grow larger until there are only one or two of us diehards still out there holding on, but they won't know if they're the first to give in, or the last to give in and effectively the winner, until they themselves give in of course.

At the beginning of the game all participants must put in a stake of $1-$5 dollars or similar small prize, the total prize amount will go to the person who holds out the longest, what they do with the money is up to them.

I'm feeling particularly up for this challenge at the moment, I reckon that with some training I could go for at least 2-3 days of no PC, Web or blogging. If you're up for it enroll with your name in the Comments of this post below and I'll set up a trial run.