Fed up with the ISP I've used since 1996. I pay a premium dial-up rate, as in a rate that's more expensive than most ADSL rates because I can't get ADSL, but that's another story. Dial-up, let me say that again, dial-up. Anyway, I have this premium rate DIAL-UP connection which works most of the time. I've asked them why I pay a premium rate for sub-premium service and got a non answer and so I put them on probation. But this weekend they blew big time and this afternoon I couldn't even get dial-ed in never mind connected. So, in a fit of pique I've cancelled my subs and gone with these guys. They're ?10 cheaper a month, but still ?25 p.m., and I can get connected - which is useful - and it's faster - which is also handy. But it took me a while to get a connection with my outgoing ISP in order to be able to sign up on-line with the new guys. Eventually managed it though, obviously. You nearly lost me there, I was nearly trapped, almost locked out, a mere smidgeon away from being forced to live my life on the outside.
Inherent Disservice Provider
in Old Posts