I'm Feel Like I'm Overdue

For another stupid idea. I'll keep you posted if and when something comes up, but now that I'm anticipating one it probably won't. And because I'm really busy at work, overloaded in fact, all my available cycles are being taken up with other stuff. I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to come up with a new idea but that I don't think the chances are very high that I will. Quite bad actually. I may just settle for a cheap observational piece, we'll see. Or not as the case may be. Oh wait a minute, I have a minor observation to do with word processors. I had windows xp re-installed on my box last month and I still haven't gotten round to re-installing MS Office and I don't miss it. Specifically MS Word.

In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that I think that Word will become extinct in about 3 years. Why? Well because if I'm anything like the tech trendsetter I like to think I am, we're becoming increasingly satisfied in the WP dept by our e-mail clients or web apps like hotmail. Unless you're making up flyers for your local church fete or something, then WP apps are going the route of the Dodo, just like the DTP apps they made redundant. That means the only app worth having in Office will be Excel because I also predict that Powerpoint will be out of favour in a couple of years too, when people finally realise that death by PowerPoint presentations are not entirely healthy, I've already started cutting my slideshows down to maybe 3 or 4 slides. The only people who will use PowerPoint in 5 years time will be proper, professional public speakers and presenters. Oh, and Microsoft staff who'll end up like those MIA Japanese soldiers who thought that WWII was still being waged some years after it ended. They'll be running around Seattle doing presentations to absent audiences long after they've gone home. I should go to bed.