Cherry Pie And Damn Fine Coffee

A strange week. I'm of the distinct opinion that I've been transported to Twin Peaks, or at least somewhere vaguely Twighlight Zone-ish. It has been a bloody funny week, and largely in a good way. First the bad; my sister's life is falling apart at the seams ever since my soon-not-to-be brother-in-law decided, without warning, to walk out and abandon her and their three children to their fate last week. At first I felt a brotherly and familial obligation to try to intervene and offer some mediation. But today, to be perfectly and painfully honest, if I met him in the street - which is unlikely since they're back in Glasgow - I'd probably lamp him for the way he's behaving right now. I'm singularly unimpressed.

But, as I said, the rest has been.....good. Yesterday the promo gig and today I had a private lunch with a couple of millionaires and a billionaire - which was nice - for them I'm sure - and especially nice for me because during our chat about share prices, P/E ratios and other such nonsense, I received a discreet text message from my man John - John is the dearest kind of friend, the kind you'd like to grow old with - to say he'd just got his test results back today with the much wished for "all clear" following a soul-shattering half year of chemo and radiotherapy. Fanf**kingtastic was my heartfelt texted reply.

Yes, a funny week indeed.