
raaar!I've been having very strange and vivid dreams lately. That earlier post today came as a result of being woken up from one of those dreams this morning, I made that critical mistake of switching on my brain beyond its level 1 sleepy state, you know, when you're just awake enough to read the time on the alarm clock before managing to go back off to sleep without properly waking up? well anyway, this morning I went to the level 2 stage by mistake and then couldn't get back off to sleep, my mind was too active. For what seemed like an age I lay there thinking about what people around the world would be doing at that precise moment in time - 3am - and I imagined a bunch of people sitting, having a good time in a noisy Italian restaurant somewhere, eating pasta, drinking red wine, smoking and generally having a good time. I got out of bed, logged on, surfed around a bit in an attempt to bring on some sleepiness and I posted up something about the people eating pasta and went back to bed shortly thereafter.

Anyway, these dreams. This morning's dream had me in a business scenario trying to persuade a close business client in Belfast that we really loved them in an impassioned show of gutsy endeavour to then find myself walking along a country lane somewhere in Northern Ireland with them, heading off to some other location. We approached a right hand bend in the lane where someone had conveniently left a rubbish skip on the inside lane of the the bend which was causing, what was for a leafy country lane, a massively large volume of small hatchback cars all travelling at very high speed, to swerve around the skip only narrowly missing the equivalently fast oncoming traffic coming the other way round the bend. As we were on foot this presented more than a small challenge in terms of negotiating around the bend without being run over. My business associates made it round without being run over but I got left behind and it was only after 2 or 3 minutes that I saw a gap in the traffic safe enough to make it around myself. After rounding the danger bend I tried to catch back up with my business colleagues who had walked on ahead of me but I then found myself a target for the crazed traffic which repeatedly swerved towards me attempting to run me down, just before I woke up I was perching in a bushy shrub, clinging on for dear life as car after car narrowly missed killing me off for good. Then I woke up and and thought about people eating pasta.....

Last week I had another weird dream where another business scenario ended in a similarly scary way, one minute I'm in an office setting, then I found myself instantly and inexplicably transported to Africa as a safari tour guide, giving tours of a wild animal game park - wait for it....on a bicycle. My safari tourists sat on the saddle behind me as I peddled among rhinos, bison, giraffes and then a pride of lions. Whenever a lion approached to try to eat us all I had to do was pull a wheelie in the direction of the lion which then would back off scared, apparently doing wheelies is a well known defensive move for cyclist safari guides, but the lions kept coming back and I kept pulling wheelies until I began to get tired and the number of lions approaching us rose to about 5 or 6. Again, I woke up at that point.

Please help me, tell me what these dreams signify.