Going Veggie

The ratio of text to graphics is slipping further towards the graphic side lately. I'm a visual guy, what can I say? It's not, I should add, that in the beginning I had a lot more to write about, i.e. in November and December, my first two months, there were absolutely no graphics on postings. The reason for that is that I only learned how to place images into postings in January. Once I found out, whoa baby, it was downhill all the way.

But I am conscious of that. So, for balance, here's some random words.

Just got off the phone to Shelley. I think she was only partly let down with the reality, it's hard to tell. I have been told that I read much better than I speak. Hmm. Anyway, my point....we talked about a whole bunch of technical stuff that I pretended to understand with appropriately placed hmms, yeahs, uhuhs, cools, and other verbal listening devices. Some of the words I did recognise like RAM, Printer and Mouse, but others, not so good.

Seriously though, we talked about the decline of Blogger and what could be done about it. Shelley's got some cool ideas. She also said that Windows suxors (OK, I added the hacker vocab), and that an open OS like unix was the way to go. I heartily agreed, having just got my own dual boot Linux system up this weekend after purchasing the aforementioned requisite modem. I downloaded and installed the latest version of Mozilla, skinned it with an IE 5 theme from Deskmod, changed my KDE look and feel to Windows 2000 and the result was eerie.....(shit, time for another image - sorry I can't stop myself).

SuSe Linux running KDE 3, Windows 2000 theme & Mozilla 1.0 with Internet Explorer theme

My point, you know, the one I keep avoiding making, is that Linux should be becoming a less scary for us Windows folks. MS-Office has a big hold on people and many are just reluctant or scared to let go of it but in my experience many more people these days are simply sitting in Outlook all day long, e-mailing plain text communication where previously letter/document writing would have taken place in exclusively in MS-Word. Certainly in my office, every screen I see shows Outlook 80% plus of the time. If you are a professional writer or DTP bod and require the more powerful features of a proper WP app then fine, you're stuck until a good enough WP app gets established in Linux but if you can provide Outlook e-mail, diary and group scheduling functionality, an Excel work-alike spreadsheet then I think, nay predict, that MS-Office's influence on the OS market share will slacken a fair bit.

So, I've decided that I'm going to go over to the other side in a warped experiment, once I've got everything I need installed in Linux I'm going to go without Windows XP, totally, for a week and I'll see what happens when Linux is my only OS. Maybe next week.