I hereby propose to the Weblog Council the following amendment (in italics) to the Weblog Blogroll Charter, Section 4, Acceptable Code Of Pratice : Paragraph ii :
The addition to a Weblog (blog) of hyperlinks (links) contained within said blog to other blogs, commonly referred to as Blogrolling is not a reversible procedure. In the event of a breach of this code of practice there is a very strong likelihood that the owner of the outgoing linked blog (linkee) will be the subject of emotional stress with symptoms such as but not exclusively; wringing of hands, hysterical sobbing, fear, emotional outbursts, self-doubt, anger, desire for retribution (often takes the form of removal of links from the linkee to the linker) and other symptoms typically associated with rejection. In all respects this rule must not be broken unless the action of link removal is made during the twenty-four hour period of a nominated authorised International Hyperlink Amnesty Day whereupon weblog blogrolls may be cleansed as the owner of said blogroll sees fit and no explanation, apology or reason will be required nor given for the removal of a link. All council offices, police stations and places of worship will be provided with Recycle Bins where links may be disposed of anonymously. The first International Hyperlink Amnesty Day will be August 31st 2002.I urge the council to carry word of this proposal to all corners of blogdom, debate and duly accept this amendment.