OK, let me say that for the record Warchalking rocks as an idea.......apart from when you have no chalk which is where the whole shebang falls in on itself. I mean, I personally don't carry chalk with me everywhere I go, I don't know about you but I'm guessing you don't either. Frankly I'm amazed that nobody has actually noticed this major flaw. Well, fear not for I have devised a grand solution - Chalkchalking.
It works like this; you're walking along the road, perhaps on your way to the office or perhaps you are out on some Warchalking reconnaissance when you notice a stationers shop and upon enquiring you ascertain that they do in fact sell chalk. Using this card as a guide simply mark the appropriate symbols on a nearby wall. Now when a passing Warchalker hits upon a Wi-Fi hotspot that he desperately needs to mark up on a wall but discovers to his horror that he is not in possession of said chalk, he can easily find the nearest source of chalk and continue about his business of Warchalking. Chalkchalking, simple as that.