I'd write a blog post rating system, you know, where readers could score posts on a sliding scale, I'm seeing a little entry on the post date / permalink line? I saw this blog rating system but that's too clunky and not detailed enough for my refined taste. Something a little more subtle is needed, I guess you can already interpret how interesting a post is from the number of comments it gets but that's not exactly scientific now, is it?
Extending this further, some bozo could then collate all the most interesting posts on a Daypop like top 40, or something. Hell you could even have a bottom forty table showing the absolutely most mind numbingestly boring blogs on the planet. The owners of those blogs could then close them down or something like that old corporate employment policy where the bottom 10% of people get fired. I think this would be a good thing, raise the batting average and all that.
PS. It's been a while since I blogged about blogging. I don't know what came over me, (sorry), (get over it), (blow me), (apologies) - delete as appropriate etc. etc.
PPS. RageBoy thinks Lou Gerstner invented weblogging and who am I to argue ? Moreover, who am I ?
PPPS. Whoa, no pictures for a change, so that's what this keyboard thing is for?
Wait!, don't go yet. I received an unexpected mystery parcel in the post today all the way from New York (via Germany!) , a review copy of a brand spanking new book Nexus : Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Science of Networks, Mark Buchanan. I have absolutely no idea who this person Mark Buchanan is, there was a single review sheet with it, no personal notes, nothing. It actually looks like a really cool book and of a similarish subject matter to Dr W's SPLJ. I must dig up the author and congratulate him on correctly determing my good self as a worthy recipient. Spooky.
PS II Yeah, that half a brain thing, I'm getting errors on this page and don't know why. Any help will be blatantly overlooked and not credited in any way, shape or form.
PPS II Anyway, it's good to be back. Visited the hopsital today, saw sprog dancing a jig. Awesome, I think I will cry at the birth. I felt like crying the other day just thinking about it but as a Man, inevitably found it impossible. I feel like crying now actually. Feel it way deep down inside, unable to break through to the surface. Still.
Wait! don't go yet. Frank Paynter just published a new interview with Annie Mason, it's good to see that I never put him off.
PS III Wait a minute.....yes.....yes....no, damn. I nearly cried there.
PPS III I just saw Ben Hammersley being interviewed about warchalking on the BBC's six o'clock news. Cool.
Extending this further, some bozo could then collate all the most interesting posts on a Daypop like top 40, or something. Hell you could even have a bottom forty table showing the absolutely most mind numbingestly boring blogs on the planet. The owners of those blogs could then close them down or something like that old corporate employment policy where the bottom 10% of people get fired. I think this would be a good thing, raise the batting average and all that.
PS. It's been a while since I blogged about blogging. I don't know what came over me, (sorry), (get over it), (blow me), (apologies) - delete as appropriate etc. etc.
PPS. RageBoy thinks Lou Gerstner invented weblogging and who am I to argue ? Moreover, who am I ?
PPPS. Whoa, no pictures for a change, so that's what this keyboard thing is for?
PS II Yeah, that half a brain thing, I'm getting errors on this page and don't know why. Any help will be blatantly overlooked and not credited in any way, shape or form.
PPS II Anyway, it's good to be back. Visited the hopsital today, saw sprog dancing a jig. Awesome, I think I will cry at the birth. I felt like crying the other day just thinking about it but as a Man, inevitably found it impossible. I feel like crying now actually. Feel it way deep down inside, unable to break through to the surface. Still.
Wait! don't go yet. Frank Paynter just published a new interview with Annie Mason, it's good to see that I never put him off.
PS III Wait a minute.....yes.....yes....no, damn. I nearly cried there.
PPS III I just saw Ben Hammersley being interviewed about warchalking on the BBC's six o'clock news. Cool.