Minority Watch

Heh. Forget that trash I wrote earlier today, I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway, I'm pumped, locked and loaded. Went for some pizza and then to the movies to see Minority Report. Class film, especially given the fact that Mr Cruise wears my watch, you know the geek one I was telling Frank about the other day? Major geek kudos boost. In the close-ups they overlay some special effects to show a futuristic face, but the bezel etc. is original. But in the scene where he's at the pool with his son timing themselves you get to see it in its original form. You didn't know I was a watch freak now did you?

PS. AKMA called. He's sincere. Actually he didn't call, he sent me a high quality MP3 sound recording via email which I then processed through my home-made Telephonizer(TM) circuitry to make it sound as if he called. If you'd rather do that then be my guest.