Chalkchalking To Be Adopted By Schools

From BBC News: School board governors across the UK are encouraging teaching staff to adopt Chalkchalking in a move to drive down costs. Chalkchalking is a new method for marking up the location of the nearest supply of chalk, it was invented earlier this month by Gary Turner of Northampton, England.

After pilot schemes in three regional schools proved to be enormously successful in reducing time spent looking for chalk and maximising 'board time' - the amount of time teachers spend actively teaching - it was adopted straight away by a further twenty three school boards on Tuesday this week. Many schools disposed of blackboards and chalk in favour of more costly whiteboards and markers in the 1990's directly as a result of not being able to find chalk easily, it is thought that many school authorities will revert back in light of the rapid adoption of Chalkchalking.

Reg O'Connell, Rector of Eastwood High School, Glasgow commented "At first we were very dismissive of Chalkchalking because it initially seems to have originated up from the pupils themselves, however I personally became very excited when I realised the potential for a return to the heady days of chalk based schooling and very quickly switched on to it. Thank goodness for the kids, that's all I can say."

Gary Turner, inventor of Chalkchalking was not available for comment.
