The Continuing Adventures Of PorridgeBoy, Episode III : Redemption

Hijacking the C130 had been a mistake. The crate's range was too short to get the whole way to Golby's back yard, even PorridgeBoy knew that. But it got him at least onto the correct continent, progress was being made. He hadn't eaten for three maybe four days but it didn't show, putting salt in porridge can do strange things to a body.

Central Africa, for that is where the C130 finally met it's fate after PB had disposed of the crew, was hot for the time of year. From a clearing near the top of a hill PorridgeBoy strained his eyes southwards. The green lush lands of the southern continent beckoned in the far distance and he knew that it wouldn't be long before his nemesis Golby would be tasting the cold hard metal of his gun barrel. He decided not to sleep and continued his quest south towards, it wouldn't be long before he'd reach Kinshasa and then he could begin the final part of his journey. He quickened his pace.