
Long, hard, fiddly, dangerous (see last weekend), frustrating and now installed. Finally. My PC is now a dual boot wonder rig with Windows XP and Linux. Big difference, installing an app on Windows is usually well, a double click, Next, Next, Next, affair. The cute little penguin asks you to come to terms with alien (to me anyway) tarball source binaries, gunzip, using gmake to compile source into usable apps and all kinds of really scary stuff. Which is nice if you like really scary stuff.As yet I haven't been able to work out how to change my screen resolution. Hmm. I'll let you know if I figure out how to do that and also what all the fuss is about.

For the technoids among you it's SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional and KDE 2.0, and yes, I know is about 8 months old and two version updates have come out since but I'm reluctant to spend more money on verion 8.0 having bought 7.2 last year and only now have gotten round to installing it. Does anyone know if version SuSE Linux 8.0 is any easier for lamebrains like me?