This Just Ain't Write

Peter Kaminski "Without a blog, you're just a lurker on the net." Pete closes by saying that the secret to being a well read blogger is good writing. Now that's something I don't consciously set out to do, I just blog. I try to write good sometimes but maybe I should try some more to write more good than I write normally. Seriously, this is something that's easy to overlook in the quest for frequent content and regular updates.

There's loads of gadgets, tools and tech things that one can plug into a blog to at least give it the appearance of being a well established or put together site but, as far as I'm aware - which frankly isn't very far - there are no resources that talk about writing skills in the context of blogging. Shelley had a hand in Essential Blogging, which I haven't read, but does anyone know if there's any focus at all given to writing in Essential Blogging? Knowing Shelley and how she highly she values good writing it would seem a little ironical if there's no coverage on writing in EB. Presuming, of course, that good writing is an essential part of good blogging. Accident or by design? Do I sense a secret writers protection cartel at work here? - "Teach 'em how to drive but for goodness sakes don't let them find out there's a highway code.." Shelley I'm only playing, of course.