Unfamous Quotations Resource

I've decided to adopt a brainless strategy here with built in redundancy. I think the idea of a book full of excellent unfamous quotations would rock. However, I may be the only person who shares that view but as you probably know by now, reason and rational thought are not my strongest points which in itself is a strong point. If you follow.

Anyway, there's no harm striving for that, the book thing I mean, but I'm prepared for this to either take a very long time or to not happen at all. If the latter happens, or doesn't if you know what I mean, then Plan B From Outer Space is whatever shape the web resource gets into is a very worthwhile thing anyway. So, it can't fail. Even failure is success. I like plans like that, plans that don't fail, redundancy contingent success blue-sky strategy. That's got a nice ring to it.

So, it continues. If you have submitted a quotation and the thought that, one day, I'll buy a yacht off the back of the enormous royalties earned by publishing your quotation then let me know. If not, then I'll gladly send you photos of me on the yacht.

P.S. Any coverage you can give this on your sites or tips you can wink to journos or other worthies with big megaphones then please do, as this will only work if unfamous people get to hear about it. Love and kisses, as always.