Blogstickers has just gone Open

Blogstickers has just gone Open Source. IPO in six weeks, baby.

OK. I have a job to go to people which means I cannot devote any more time to this and since the bulk of the 62 stickers now online came from your brains and not mine I've decided that it should be opened up and Blogstickers is now officially open source. On the main page there's a link to a PNG graphics master file I've been using. Take that file and make up your own. Send them to me and I'll throw them up on the page next to your name and hey presto, insta-fame(TM). Remember this isn't for money, (chance would be a fine thing) just for fun. So have fun, lots of it. Oh, and remember where you got em. It would be really cool if someone could make some up in languages other than plain old English. Not mere tranlastions but local sayings or bumper stickers would be cool. I'm afraid my French is, well, merde and my Italian would probably just about get me arrested.

Stick em if ya got em.