Google Groups

My pals over at the Cluetrain list talk a lot of sense about a lot of things. Sometimes its just informative, like finding out when your first posts registered on usenet (I haven't heard it called that in ages) now that Google Groups is fully online and holds 800 gazillion messages since 1981 or thereabouts.

I opened my CompuServe (pre AOL) account in November 1995, I think, and despite the supreme difficulty associated with actually posting anything to usenet through good old CompuServe it appears that I did at least manage to sneak a couple of messages on to usenet not long thereafter.

Now before I continue, consider the importance of your first ever steps onto the web, innocent and bewildered at the same time, long before you got comfortable with issues like "what the hell is it for?" and "do you think this Internet thing will take-off?". I am proud to say that my first ever posting to usenet in January 1996 was an honorably academic one, if slightly abrupt and to the point....

Gary Turner
<101335.2155@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

For Durkheim, what are the consequences of the division of Labour
in industrial societies....?

Wow. Well..... actually........ the question wasn't mine but that of my then Fiancee, (now Wife) who was at university getting her degree at the time. Presumably I must have been bragging to her about how cool the Web was and how you could get an answer to almost anything. I recall that nobody answered but on checking Google tonight it seems that someone eventually did, even if we only read the answer six years later! My wife got her degree despite this you'll be relieved to learn.

But honestly the first post directly attributed to me is more representative of my shallow pop-culture character.....

From: Gary Turner (101335.2155@CompuServe.COM)
Subject: Re: Old C64 REVS
View this article only
Date: 1996/02/22

>>Does anybody outthere have it?< <

I managed to track it down last month together with a C64 emulator
and it seemed to work ok. I used to play it to death on the BBC
Computer around 1985-86 when it first came out, it sure does show
it's age.

Have fun, mail me and let me know what you think.#

FTP from the following........
Emulator is called C64S.ZIP
REVS game is called REVS2.ZIP

Gary Turner.

Here I was talking about an emulator app which turned your PC into a Commodore 64.

From Emile Durkheim to the Commodore 64 in one move. Where else but the web!