International Security

Homesick blogger becomes international security guard.

Thought I should share this tip with ya'll, file under the category of "Jobs that didn't exist before the Web". We relocated this summer and to numb the pain of homesickness I tripped over this really cool trick.

Go to a web cam site, Earthcam or Camvista are but two, find a webcam of something interesting and providing its not a java image you can right click over it in your browser and Set as desktop item. Then position it on your desktop, maybe add some others and hey presto you have your own personal window on the world.

To update the images on your desktop right click over the desktop, click Refresh and they all update - simple. I've attached my desktop from today to show you what I mean. Beats static wallpaper into a cocked hat anyday.

For example a couple of months ago I witnessed a mass protest on one of the screens and I've also done a kind of one way video conference with my mother back in Glasgow as she stood under the webcam whilst on the phone!
Once I'd gotten over just how clever I was and realised that it actually does rain pretty much all the time in Glasgow, the international security implications hit me. Imagine millions of security guards watching over our cities. It may not be 1984 anymore but big bro is watching you, just not the way you expected.

The web, scary and cool at the same time, a bit like the Fonz.

PS. Dunno about doing this on Linux or Macs, sorry.
PPS. If, like me, you too become an international security guard send me your desktop screencaps.