Old Posts

Blogging & Business, The New Blogcom Bubble?

Call me sentimental but I find this whole 'blogs in business' quest frustrating on at least one level. If it was the case that we were asking about how massive an impact blogging could possibly have on say, world peace, shipping forecast accuracy, determining the boiling point of jam or something else less, how do I put this - capitalist - in its nature, then it would be seen by many as something that put its shoulder behind the whole evolution of the species gig, something that just made our lives better, regardless of whether it made us richer.

I suspect there was a period similar to this, prior to the late nineties frenzy, when webmasters were all thinking 'there has to be a cool way to make money by putting websites and business together'. The difference now is that the suits are still nursing the fingers they burnt the last time they listened to the propeller heads.

Is the wretched fever formerly known as dotcom bubble mentality experiencing a revival? Is that a Blogcom Bubble in your PocketPC or are you just pleased to see me?

Is this post a cheap, cynical shot that attempts to be a balanced bit of devil's advocacy or is it a balanced piece of devil's advocacy that attempts to be cheap and cynical? And now too self-analytical to boot, in fact sooo analytical that you're all now sitting there, wherever there happens to be, thinking quizzically about why I'm writing this last part. I have to confess, I'm wondering too. Nothing like making a point......

Bill Gates On Spam

Bill Gates doesn't like spam and he's not alone, I'm a Aberdeen Angus man myself. But he also doesn't like unsolicited commercial email, and today in his lengthy piece of solicited, 100% opted-in, permission marketing on the rise of spam he notes that...

Like almost everyone, I receive a lot of spam every day, much of it offering to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It's ridiculous.

Too true, Bill, it is ridiculous. I don't know about you but I've noticed a very sharp increase in my daily spam volumes over the last two or three weeks, and I'm now receiving in excess of 400 per day. Plus it's beginning to well and truly get on my proverbials, this has to be the beginning of the end for email spam, it's getting to the - as Bill would say - ridiculous stage. That's not even taking account of the adult nature of most of it, the suitability of which particularly where children are concerned, beggars belief.